Designing for the biggest online webshop in The Netherlands

Hi guys,
I thought I’d give you an update on what I’ve been doing for the past couple of months.
In August ’15 I was contacted about a position as a freelance designer at
I was super excited because I’ve been wanting to work for for years.
One of the current designers was going on a 6 month trip around the world so they contacted me to fill in for him fulltime.
Within a week or 2, I was sitting behind my desk at

Working at is whatever you make of it
You can just design banners and do a lot of front-end work if that is all you want to do.
Or you can take matters into your own hands and make the job more fitting to your own personal preferences.
Within our design team, every designer has their own strengths and weaknesses.
Some are amazing at print whilst others thrive when it comes to front-end development.
Every designer is hired based on their ability to design banners and their knowledge of HTML.
However…. everyone has something else they exceed in.

What makes me different from other designers is my ability to shoot my own photo’s for banners and my wide range of interests.
So besides making banners for and writing HTML, I sometimes like to grab the office camera and shoot pictures for the banners I’m working on. (see photo) I’ve also grown a lot when it comes to print and I’ve just finished a flyer for and L’oreal Paris which will feature in Linda magazine.

During the first 3 months, a lot has happened.
Famous Dutch singer Marco Borsato (see photo) came by to launch his very own shop within
90’s duo 2Unlimited came by to sing a couple of their old hits and Santa Clause came by in err….. September to spread the holiday cheer and hand out chocolates.

I’m having a great time doing the things I like. It’s incredibly hard work but I always make sure to take my 30-minute stroll outside to clear my head and boost my creativity. 

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